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Health fund rebates are available through extras cover with most private funds and many can be processed easily on the spot.  Medicare claims for CDM (Chronic Disease Management) and DVA patients are processed electronically. 


WorkCover and SGIC claims must be settled as private consultations, with the patient obtaining their rebate with the appropriate provider once their invoice is settled.

B.Sc.(Clin.Sc.) M.H.Sc.(Osteo.)

Andrea's postgraduate study over the past 23 years has been in Osteopathy in the Cranial Field and the Biodynamic approach.  Cranial Osteopathy does not only involve treatment of the head, it is a treatment for the whole body to facilitate its return towards health and normal biomechanical function.  The body is constantly unfolding and being renewed.  The same unfolding invisible force that drives our growth and development as children also drives our healing throughout our entire lives.


Andrea has vast experience in treating newborns, pregnant women, injuries from complex trauma (high speed sporting collisions such as falls from horses, motorbikes, skiing injuries Etc), the aftermath of falls in the elderly; she also has experience in offering comfort and gentle pain relief for people in various stages of cancer (including people recovering from cancer) and she has an in depth experience of working in a private palliative care environment. 

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PHONE:  0477 960 125

Available for appointments on:


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